
It's been a while,

I'm not especially good at keeping up with these things.

Since December I've knit up a few things. Basic things, scarves mostly. I'm such a lazy, boring knitter. Harhar.

Oh! There IS an LYS! It's great! All the customers are nice and the owner is a doll. If I ever thought I was going to find a shop that was as welcoming and addictive as this one, I would have bought my own car two years ago. It's pretty weird that an eighteen year old senior in high school is more comfortable with fellow knitters on knit night than her peers, but there it is. After the initial nerves, I've begun to feel a lot more confident in myself and my knitting:D.

In other news, I've since been flirted into a beautiful Macbook. The guy at bestbuy was so attractive. I have a bad habit of buying things from cute sales guys. :/

AND I bought my first Muse shirt! It's awesome. Hopefully Matt Bellamy will appear out of no where and ask me to marry him.

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