
Very interesting

Let's see about this.

I sent the above sentence from my cellphone. It's sort of twitter-ish.



Ehem. I started a really cool hat. It was pretty. I liked it a lot and I couldn't wait to finish it. Now it looks like a fez and I'm, to say the least, a little angry. The pattern called for a three needle bind off because of a k1 p1 edging and instead I use a modified kitchener stitch. This was the beginning of the hat's fall from grace, assuming I'm the knitted piece's god. Pressing on anyways, I finished it and the fezziness is very much a problem.

Bouncing back was easy. I quickly found another pattern and now it's smooth sailing. I like the colorway on the new pattern too. I'm probably going to jump into my first lacey shawly after this hat is finished.

Spring break next week. Looking forward to some knitting and playing the new guitar hero at my sister's house. Even though I don't like Metallica. It's going to be really hard to pay attention at school.


Reclaiming yarn.

I finished a beautiful cowl with fingering weight yarn, but I am seriously doubt I'll ever wear it. It was finished about two months ago and the ends are still hanging out. I'm going to rip it later. RIP cowl. I'm looking for a new pattern to use the yarn that I'm "reclaiming".

I'm about 3/4 the way done with the adorable Garter Stitch Loop Through Scarf. It's in the 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders. I bought some rayon yarn last Thursday and it's really ideal for the pattern I think. Not to mention that I almost died of excitement when I researched rayon. It ended up not only being lovely to touch, but it's CHEMISTRY. Oh yaay chem plus knitting. It's a mixture of carbon oxygen and hydrogen. I've got to say that looking up the different fibers that yarn is made of really makes me happy. Like dralon.



So today I had to drive to the boring post office and stand in line for like twenty minutes. It isn't that bad, the line could've been worse, or I could've stood next to someone who is stinky/grumpy. Well, scratch that. Everyone at the post office is at least a little grumpy.

I owe the IRS a hundred bucks for my car. I'm really pissed about it too. Stupid people at the DMV, apparently I wasn't taxed enough for my "car's year". Ehh, again, could be worse. I could owe two hundred dollars.

I'm only 18. I don't need to be owing the IRS cash:(. It's not like I'm Al Capone.

I want more yaaaarn and the government is getting in the waaaaaay.


It's been a while,

I'm not especially good at keeping up with these things.

Since December I've knit up a few things. Basic things, scarves mostly. I'm such a lazy, boring knitter. Harhar.

Oh! There IS an LYS! It's great! All the customers are nice and the owner is a doll. If I ever thought I was going to find a shop that was as welcoming and addictive as this one, I would have bought my own car two years ago. It's pretty weird that an eighteen year old senior in high school is more comfortable with fellow knitters on knit night than her peers, but there it is. After the initial nerves, I've begun to feel a lot more confident in myself and my knitting:D.

In other news, I've since been flirted into a beautiful Macbook. The guy at bestbuy was so attractive. I have a bad habit of buying things from cute sales guys. :/

AND I bought my first Muse shirt! It's awesome. Hopefully Matt Bellamy will appear out of no where and ask me to marry him.



I haven't ever posted here and it's been a few months. I am apparently so bored that I'm running out of things to do. I've been knitting a lot more lately, it's Christmas and all.

Anyways, in the past month I've ripped two hats, made a few scarves and decided I'm only buying the plush-er yarn my big box store offers. On a lighter -exciting- note, I was informed that I may have a yarn shop near me! It's about fifteen minutes away and in a part of town I seldom visit. Here's hoping:D.

Tonight, I want a break from Christmas knitting I will probably regret. After I finish a scarf:X.